Liquor Import & Export Service Plan
一、 介绍 Introduction:
The import and export qualification of Indian alcohol is divided into import qualification and export qualification. Entrepreneurs who wish to import alcoholic beverages may do so with a Federal Importers Basic Permit. This permit is available from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), a branch of the Department of the Treasury. The Bureau requires entrepreneurs to obtain the permit prior to engaging in the business.
二、 进口资质流程 Import license:
1: 境外酒类供应商索取合约,以证明你需要基本的进口许可证。如果您无法获得一份合同,那么您可以从供应商那里获得一份意向书,表明您打算为您的企业提供酒精。确保以供应商的正式抬头书写,并包含供应商的签名。
Obtain a contract from your foreign liquor supplier as proof of your need for a basic import permit. If you are unable to obtain a contract then you may obtain a letter of intent from the supplier that states intent to supply your business with alcohol. Ensure that it is written on the supplier’s official letterhead and contains the suppliers signature.
2: 登陆烟酒税及贸易局的网页,并下载申请许可证所需的表格。这些文件包括授权委托书、人员调查表、公司和有限责任公司官员签字授权书、联邦航空局法案下的基本许可证申请和雇主身份证号申请。
Visit the website for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and download the forms required to apply for the permit. These include the Power of Attorney form, the Personnel Questionnaire, the Signing Authority for Corporate and LLC Officials form, the Application for Basic Permit under FAA Act and an Application for Employer Identification Number. The instructions for these forms are also available on the website.
3: 需要授权签字人填写表格。用蓝墨水在表格上签字。每份表格及证明文件副本各一份。确保复印件是彩色的。
Complete the forms if you have signature authority, otherwise, have the person with signature authority for the company complete them. Sign the forms in blue ink where necessary. Make a copy of each form and supporting document. Ensure that the copies are in color so the signature appears in blue ink.
4: 在申请书上附上有关证明文件,例如签署人的驾驶执照或国家身份证。也包括来自供应商的合同或意向书。
Attach the supporting documents to the application, such as the signatory's driver's license or state ID card. Also include the contract or letter of intent from the supplier. Submit your application packet, including the copies, to the address provided on the forms.
5: 受理通知,通过电子邮件收到通知
Wait for notification that TTB has received your application. Expect to receive the notice via email if you provided an email address in your application.
6: 当局将会电话核实,核实你提供的信息。并可能会有一个巡视官员来检查营业场所
Complete an interview on the phone with a TTB representative to verify the information you have supplied. Also expect a visit from an agent to inspect your business premises.
7: 等待调查局的答复。代理机构可能需要 90 天的时间来处理申请。在此期间,它对申请人进行背景调查并核实资金来源。TTB 在批准申请后,将会发出许可证
Wait for a response from the Bureau. It may take up to 90 days for the agency to process the application. During this time, it performs a background check on the applicant and verifies the source of funds. TTB issues a permit when it approves the
三、 出口资质流程 Export license:
1: 选择你的产品。IEC 只对您申请的产品类别进行认证。您可以申请额外类别的 IEC,但是您必须为每个类别支付额外的费用
Choose your products. The IEC will be granted only for the product category you apply for. You can seek IEC for additional
categories, but you will have to pay an additional fee for each category.
2: 公司名称,如果你还没有注册一个公司。打算做进出口业务的新公司应该考虑以出口结尾的名称(如:拉姆齐出口)Decide your company name, if you have not registered a firm as yet. New firms that are planning to do export-import business should consider names ending with Exports (eg: Ramsay Exports).
3:注册法人主体 Register your firm, if it’s not already registered.
4:申请进出口资质 Apply online for IEC – Importer Exporter Code with DGFT, and pay fee of Rs. 250 through electronic money transfer.
5: EDC 注册—在最近的港口(机场和/或海港)注册你的出口公司
EDC Registration– Register your export company with nearest port ( Airport and/or Seaport).
四、其他服务 Other Services:
1. 财务税收服务 Financial tax services
2. 商标注册服务 Trademark registration services
3. 法律咨询服务 Legal consultancy service
4. 公证认证服务 Notarization and attest service