Branch Office Registration Service Plan
外国公司在印度设立分公司(“BO”),需经印度储备银行(RBI)批准,并经印度一级银行AD银行批准后,向印度公司注册事务局(ROC)登记。因此,在印度建立一个BO需要两个步骤,即- A Foreign Company / Corporation can establish a Branch Office ("BO") in India by obtaining permission from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through AD category 1 Banker and subsequently registering it with the office of Registrar of Companies (ROC).
A:通过AD Bank获得RBI审批(自动/审批路径) Getting the RBI Approval (Automatic / Approval Route) through AD Bank;
B:在公司事务门户网站注册报备Establishment / Registration of BO with the office of ROC on Ministry of Corporate Affairs Portal;
分公司的含义Branch Office in relation to a Company means:
a)任何名义上称为分公司的机构any establishment described as a branch by the company, 或or
b)与公司总部进行相同或实质上相同活动的任何机构any establishment carrying on either the same or substantially the same activity as that carried on by the head office of the company;
二,分公司的特点Features of Branch Office:
1)无注册资金要求no registered capital requirements;
2)更容易掌握市场信息,了解境外市场动态it is easier to master market information and understand overseas market trends;
三、合规标准Eligibility Criteria:
1. 至少两名董事,其中一名为常驻董事,需有 PAN 和印度地址(中国人和印度人都可以)Minimum 2 directors, one of the director is required with PAN and Indian address (both Chinese and Indian are allowed);
2. 无注册资本要求No registered capital requirements;
3. 母公司连续最近五年盈利(需提供财务报表)The parent company has been profitable for the last five consecutive years (financial statements are required);
4. 母公司最低净资产 10,0000 美金(需提供文件证明)The minimum net asset of the parent company is USD 10,0000 (documentary proof is required);
注:分公司有效期三年,期满后可申请延期Note: the validity period of the branch is three years.
五、流程Brief Procedure:
1. 确认申请公司已完全符合申请资格Confirming the Eligibility Criteria is duly fulfilled by the Applicant Company;
2. 确认常驻董事或首席代表拥有有效印度PAN 卡Confirming that the Chief Representative Officer to be appointed in BO have a valid PAN in India;
3. 常驻董事申请董事电子签名(如没有)Confirming that the Chief Representative Officer to be appointed in BO have a valid DSC in India;
4. 申请人须以要求的文件及文件格式准备文件,并向印度政府指定的一类AD银行(AD Bank)提出申请;
5. 提出申请后与AD银行和印度央行进行联系跟进取得分公司设立的许可apply though AD Bank and RBI in respect to the Application made,Getting of Approval Letter from RBI through AD Bank for establishment of BO in India;
6. 连同RBI分公司设立的和准信或许可以及相关文件,与印度公司注册事务部门户网站进行分公司注册申请及报事宜备Making an application to the office of ROC with prescribed documents along with RBI Approval Letter for Incorporation of BO;
7. 取得分公司执照Getting a Certificate of Establishment from ROC;
8. 与AD银行开设公司账户等Opening of Bank Account with AD Bank;